Friday 20 November 2009

Do I need a doctor to quit smoking?

Launch tried smoking, many smokers. The only problem is that doing it more often haphazard, and the percentage of successes is rather low.

David Zaridze, professor, department head RONTS them. NN Blokhin, president of Cancer Society of Russia claims that the bulk of quit rates did so without the help of a doctor. This approach is perfectly valid if you can make your own conclusion: why you need to stop smoking regularly. Young people to quit smoking can stimulate the fact that recent studies the risk of impotence increases considerably for those who use cigarettes. In addition, male smokers often suffer from reduced sperm motility, fertility of female smokers also significantly lower than non-smokers. Thus, the risk of infertility for a couple of smokers increases substantially.

Note the fact that smokers can be divided into 2 categories. The first of them - are those who have explicitly expressed the dependence on nicotine. First of all, their body needs a dose of this potent substance. The second group consists of the so-called "social smokers". Cigarettes bring them, above all, psychological satisfaction. Such people throwing smoke given fairly easy if you have correctly defined goals and support others. For those who are acutely dependent on nicotine, medical help will be most welcome.

Special pharmacy chewing gum and patches are able to deliver the dosage to the body you want him to nicotine. In the first case it enters the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the mouth, the second - is absorbed through the skin. It takes some hard manifestations of nicotine break, makes life easier for smokers deprived of cigarettes. But a natural question arises: if the nicotine still enters the bloodstream - where is the benefit?

The scientist explains: the main poison in cigarettes - not nicotine. In tobacco smoke a lot of other, much more severe, poisons: carcinogens, toxic substances. Carcinogens provoke the emergence of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, lung, esophagus, bladder, and 7 other forms of cancer. Toxic substances are working on narrowing of the vascular wall, contribute to the formation of blood clots, atherosclerosis. Their role is extremely high in case of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Funds to replace the nicotine can reduce negative effects on the body about half.

Treatment of nicotine dependence may be conducted with medication. Preparations have to appoint a doctor. If no smoking causes the body a natural stress, you can apply soothing medicine. However, their effect is likely to be only a partial solution. The main drugs for treatment of nicotine addiction can substitute for nicotine by binding to receptors in the brain instead. The effectiveness of these drugs is very high, but the side effects can be serious. From increasing anxiety, sleep disorders to acute mental illness and even deaths.

Satisfactory results are obtained by the method of coding. Like any psychotherapeutic method, it helps create a strong motivation.

Acupuncture, in the opinion of David Zaridze, has more psychological impact.

Currently in vogue for some reason part chewing and snuff. Many consider him a harmless alternative to cigarettes. When they forget that the carcinogenic and toxic substances anywhere from tobacco do not disappear, even if it does not burn. Property tobacco irritate the mucous membrane leads to the fact that during its use may develop cancer of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, esophagus. In European countries, the sale of such tobacco is prohibited.

Many smokers cite the doctors say: they say, too late to smoke into adulthood. Organism was used, and it will only get worse.

Scientists say that parting with addiction will be appropriate at any age. According to research, one smoker, that life consumes about packs a day, has one chance in five lung cancer if you smoke, he will throw in 60 years, this figure drops to 1 case of 7, if the cast will be in the 50 -- years of age, the risk of falls almost doubled.

For smoking cessation the most important is the desire of the smoker. If not, the treatment and medical methods are completely useless.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Europe under the threat of smuggling cigarettes from Ukraine

Apparently, as soon as the share of smuggled cigarettes from Ukraine to European markets considerably older.

Yesterday, President vetoed the law, increasing the excise rates on tobacco products. European Union has changed its opposite excise policy, now excise rates in Europe will be increased to 2014-2018 period. Ukrainian State Customs said that the volume of cigarette smuggling from Ukraine rise sharply, manufacturers and distributors of tobacco believe that the special increase in smuggling will not.

The law, vetoed by the president, called for a major increase in excise tax rates. It was expected that the increase in cigarette prices in the retail network to reach 40%. Practically there was no doubt that Viktor Yushchenko would endorse the law, because all previous similar bills met with his unequivocal support. However, the veto this time the President was still used. Apparently, the fear that a sharp increase in excise duties seriously reduce the local production and increase the amount of smuggling from Russia and Moldova, has played a role. Besides the reduction of production and the share of legal cigarette market would inevitably lead to the fact that payments to the state budget would gradually become less and less.

According to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada had violated the Budget Code, which stipulates the impossibility of changing tax rates, if the prior fiscal year is less than 6 months. Thus, the President's opinion-one: from such high excise tax rates would have to give up yet.

Representatives of tobacco companies prove: the proposed law would lead to a sharp increase in illegal trade in tobacco products, to reduce the legal market and, consequently, to reduce the revenues. Data Association Ukrtyutyun "indicate that this year the country's decline in production and already amounted to 13,7%.

Recall that the day before yesterday (10 November 2009) Council of Ministers of the EU economics and finance has decided to change excise policy. From 2014 in EU countries excise tax increase from 64 euros per thousand pieces up to 90 euros per thousand pieces, the excise tax on the retail price will rise from 57% to 60%. For some countries, excise duty which is not reached before the current level of excise tax rates in the EU, would be a transitional period during which the Excise must reach these figures. Until 2018 the transition period will be allowed to Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Estonia. The tax legislation of the European Union is constructed in such a way that from 8 countries, who are given a transitional period, it may be a ban on the import of cigarettes in excess of 300 pieces per person.

Since the beginning of 2011 will also increase excise rates on tobacco, since then its size will be 40 euros per kilo, the excise burden will increase costs for consumers of cigarettes by 40%. According to the plan by 2020 will rise to excise duty of 60 euros per kilo, which means more expensive retail products to 50%.

Chief Customs Officer of Ukraine Anatoly Makarenko not so long ago had already made statements to the press about the fact that Ukraine actively imports to the EU of cigarettes. After the events of Nov. 10 the source of the State Customs confirmed the predictions of an increase in smuggling, because with the increase of excise EU market becomes a super-profitable. Much of the smuggling takes place in Europe, across the border with Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. Most of the contraband tobacco reaches the markets of these countries, but relatively large quantities are shipped on to Europe. The price of a pack of cigarettes significantly increases with the advance of the west, and transportation of cigarettes entirely is not a problem - in fact open borders within the EU.

The growth of smuggling is not profitable to producers, because the tobacco companies, as a rule, are transnational. Experts have reported that several tobacco companies, whose representatives are working in Ukraine, has signed an agreement with the European Union, which occurrence in European countries, smuggling of goods will be automatically mean a fine for the owner of a tobacco brand.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Go to the "light" cigarettes complicates smoking cessation

Experts have long known that cigarettes with low tar, so-called "light" cigarettes, not a bit healthier than conventional tobacco products. A new study shows even more: the transition to lighter cigarettes does not smoking much less likely.
In the new study, whose results were published on 3 November in the online version of the journal Tobacco Control, the experts examined data from a survey in 2003 conducted among 30,800 smokers for at least a year, residents of the United States. 38% of them switched from conventional cigarettes to the lungs. The majority (26%) referred reported what they had done so for the best taste of light cigarettes. 43% mentioned two or more causes of the transition, in particular, was mentioned and a desire to quit smoking. Nevertheless, people who switched to lighter cigarettes, likely to give up the habit was 46% less than those who continued to smoke regular cigarettes.
Why do people who go on light cigarettes are less likely to quit smoking? The researchers suggest that switching to lighter cigarettes can resolve cognitive dissonance smoker. He thinks: "Well, since I smoke less harmful cigarettes, I do not have to worry about lung cancer, heart disease, impotence, wrinkles, premature death (underline). This rationalization makes conscious smokers continue to smoke. But there is another possible explanation. It is likely that people are switching to light cigarettes, much more dependent on smoking. Regardless of how cigarettes are called, they are all equally dangerous to health, reminiscent of the study's authors.

Swiss back smoking ban

The ban on smoking in restaurants and other public places in Switzerland, officially approved. From the second attempt, but utverzhden.V Geneva after a year's break came back a ban on smoking in public places. At the time, voted for him over 80% of the Canton of Geneva, but later the country's Supreme Court declared the ban was illegal.
Slightly less than a year ago, on Sept. 30, 2008 First, the Supreme Court of Switzerland has decided that without the introduction of federal law separate cantons do not have the right to ban smoking in cafes, restaurants and similar places, and that the ban was supported 81.77% of the population of the canton, - not a reason to violate the constitution. Approved a ban only now.
$ 900 for smoking
Regular cigarette habit for Russia, for example, at a bus stop in Geneva, will cost an amount that exceeds the average salary in Russia: the fines reach a thousand francs, it is more than 29 thousand rubles (if we assume the current rate). If, however, still leave close to "crime scene" butt, you will have to pay another fine for dropping rubbish - however, it existed before the introduction of the smoking ban.
These measures can not be called unreasonable. A recent study by American cardiologists study demonstrated that in the first year after the ban on smoking in public places, the number of heart attacks decreased by a quarter. Doctors believe that the fewer visitors restaurants, clubs and cafes breathe other people's tobacco smoke - the better not only for light, but also for the cardiovascular system. And benefit from the ban did not traditionally considered vulnerable pregnant women, elderly and sick people: to my surprise the doctor said, and reduction of cardiovascular disease among the very active youth.
The Swiss in the early summer of 2008 on this study could not know, but to breathe the smoke still do not want to. Moreover, if judged according to World Tobacco Atlas, the recently published report on smoking in the world, have shown a consciousness of themselves smokers: in Switzerland, those 30% among men and 22% among women. Some of them, apparently decided that addiction in a public place - still bust.
Over the past year, the bill had been some adjustments that make the Swiss restaurants and bars more attractive to lovers of tobacco.
Initially it was assumed that these institutions will not be able to smoke even in the presence of specially equipped rooms for smokers, but owners have to pay up to ten thousand francs for the violation of this rule. But in the end a compromise was nevertheless found: rooms for smokers legalized.
The most radical opponents of smoking, however, have already announced that will appeal to federal court and will need to cover up and smoking rooms, but there will be crowned with success of their initiative - it is not clear.
Not all opponents of smoking are equally useful for society
The fight against smoking has become the norm in the modern world. In the U.S., for example, the percentage of smokers has decreased since the mid XX century, several times, in Norway, a pack of cigarettes cost in utter (on the scale of Russia, but against the background of the Norwegian salaries are quite a few) worth more than 350 rubles ($ 11.47), and the design of cigarette packs in Iran with the image of throat cancer and other diseases would envy even illustrated atlas for medical students.
But some time ago it was all a big exotic. The first institute, which began studying the hazards of smoking in a scientific manner, appeared in 1941 in a country which had already introduced a higher tobacco taxes, ban smoking in trains, the ban on smoking birth attendants and many other progressive measures. The leader of this state have repeatedly denounced tobacco, saying that would introduce a ban on smoking even in the army ... and he's recently got into the news column on an entirely different reason. Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, detested tobacco, and remembered him recently in connection with the scandal stored in the State Archives of Russia fragment of the skull.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Brand Davidoff

Davidoff cigars were very popular around the world. Aficionado from all countries and continents note that Davidoff cigars differ from other Cuban cigars. Stainless-quality and original packaging in conjunction with the marketing policy has made these cigars are the standard quality of Cuban cigars. Today the Cuban Davidoff became the object of collecting, the true experts can consume only at auctions. Especially those cigar lovers can be satisfied in the U.S., where Davidoff was a stunning effect.

In addition, cigars, Zino Davidoff was a great variety of cigarettes, including one of the oldest European brands Lawrence of exclusive Turkish tobacco. Ernst Schneider, who worked in this company, joined in this business. They knew each other a long time, and when Zino decided to retire, "Schneider made a proposal Zino, he could not have fallen. He offered a large sum for an ordinary store tobacco products. Many entrepreneurs are not able to understand that such an interest in Davidoff was called. The agreement was signed in 1969, but there has been mentioned in this document that Zino will continue to work in business. Gradually, marketing, brand development Davidoff became hard and serious work. Today the name Davidoff is known worldwide thanks to Dr. Schneider and his comrades. In the 80 years the quality of Cuban cigars has decreased, from time to time terribly different from cigar tobacco were imported. Davidoff name was put on the line and Zino could not tolerate. He complained to the lowering of the quality cigars came in Empresa Cubana case Tabaco, who was accused of negligence and connivance. In 1990, the sensational headlines Havanes Feux (Havanas in the fire) were splashed in all the Swiss press. Zino burned all the supply of Cuban cigars Davidoff.

Dominican Republic, the Pearl of the Caribbean, where Christopher Columbus is buried, has become the new home for cigar Davidoff. Zino found a factory in Santiago de Los-Cabalieros. She was named Tabadom, and under the leadership of Hendrik Kelner, was resumed production. For 12 years, Davidoff was the individual owner, and he controlled everything, from seed to smoke. Zino Davidoff died in 1994. Zino stayed with their last pay delightful saga about his life blew dissolved in space as a welcoming smile, like a wise word, imperishable as blue smoke.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

First Lady Pipe smoker

First Lady Pipe smoker, Rachel Jackson had accompanied General Jackson to Washington in 1824-25 when the Presidency was decided in the House of Representatives. Rumors about Rachel preceded her arrival in Washington, and the question arose as to whether the other ladies would accept her. Ultimately, they did call upon her. But she did not want to go to Washington in 1828, fearing that her inelegance at conversation, her pipe smoking, and general lack of refinement would reflect poorly on her husband, the new President. However, she did acquiesce to the urging of her friends and made plans to go. She went on a shopping trip and bought clothes appropriate for the occasion only to become ill and die on December 22, 1828

Friday 5 December 2008

How to Smoke a Tobacco Pipe

A pipe is a tool used for smoking. The designs of pipes vary considerably, but for the most part they are reusable and consist of a chamber, or bowl, in which the substance to be smoked is placed, a stem of some sort and a mouthpiece through which the smoke is sucked or inhaled.

The art of pipe smoking is a completely undervalued task of full enjoyment for all! Here is how to smoke your pipe to enjoy it the most!


1. Find a pipe that fits you. There are a lot of tobacconists around the world who want to be more than pleased to help you find the ideal pipe for you. Prices range from six dollars to some thousand.

2. Find the correct tobacco for you. There are many assortments: aromatics, American blends, English blends, Virginias, Burleys, and many more. A tobacconist will be talented to help there, as well. People absolutely new to smoking may enjoy an aromatic or lighter strength tobacco, while someone coming from cigarettes or cigars might prefer a heavier kind of blend. Buy small amounts representing several different genres.

3. Fill your bowl. Fill loosely with tobacco and compress it lightly. Compressed halfway from the bottom of the bowl to the top. Fill again to the top and compress with a little more force. This time halfway from the top of the previous packing to the top. Now top it off and compress a bit harder. Again half way from the last point to the top. Should leave roughly a 1/8th of an inch gap from the tobacco to the top of the bowl. You need to make sure it is not so tight that you cannot draw through it; you should be able to draw air though with little or no resistance. The tobacco must be springy to the touch. It's best to have your tobacconist or an experienced pipe smoker show you. Correct packing takes a little practice, and has a lot of impact on how enjoyable your experience will be.

4. Light the pipe with a wooden match or a pipe lighter. Let the match burn off the sulfur a few seconds. Move the flame around the surface of the tobacco while drawing gently until evenly lit, then tamp gently with a tamper. Let it go out, then relight the same way.

5. Puff slowly and rhythmically. Patience is rewarded. Puffing too fast will result in tongue bite - a burning sensation on the tongue.

6. Tamp the tobacco gently periodically throughout the smoke to ensure the bowl remains correctly packed while smoking. Don't worry if the pipe goes out from time to time - it will. Simply relight, after the pipe has cooled.

7. Make sure you smoke your pipe to the end to create a nice "cake" at the bottom and side of your pipe bowl.

8. Relax and enjoy. Pipe smoking is the quintessential art of smoking.